Dr. Mohammed Zahir Al-Abri is an Associate Professor in Petroleum & Chemical Engineering, Department, College of Engineering at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), Oman. In addition to his academic position, he is the Founder and Director of the Nanotechnology Research Center, SQU. He completed all his tertiary education from the University of Nottingham (UK) from 2003-to 2007. His major interest lies in cutting-edge research in water treatment, membrane technology, and environmental engineering including applications of nanotechnology in water and petroleum industries. Dr. Al-Abri has more than 30 major research projects in different areas of water treatment and desalination, nanotechnology for environmental and renewable energy applications, and membrane technology. He has more than 70 international journal papers, 27 international conferences, 25 technical reports, and three book chapters. Dr. Al-Abri is a member of a number of international editorial boards including being a Topic Editor in “Membranes: MDPI Journal. He organized and co-organized several international conferences in nanotechnology and water treatment.
Nanotechnology, Chemistry , Petroleum, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Water treatment and desalination, nanotechnology for environmental and renewable energy applications, and membrane technology, cutting-edge research in water treatment, membrane technology, and environmental engineering including applications of nanotechnology in water and petroleum industries